What is Second ME ?
Second ME (also known as 2nd ME) is a Lithuanian sustainable fashion, clothing and accessories brand. It is a small and sincere family business that creates every garment by hand, with love, care and responsibility, so that it would become your favourite. Every item is ethically produced and well thought out, every detail is cut and sewn by hand. The fabric is selected by touching, wrinkling, rumpling and carefully feeling it, so that it would not only lie nicely when worn, but would also be pleasant to wear and wouldn’t irritate the skin.
Second ME really values sustainability. The products are sewn mostly from residual fabrics from large factories. Second ME consumes them down to the smallest scraps. The remaining scraps are used in various workshops and other Zero Waste, sustainable fashion projects. In addition, Second ME’s focus on sustainability is reflected in the packaging of its products. Unnecessary labels that should be discarded are eliminated, and most importantly, all packaging is recyclable.
Why Second ME?
Second ME (2nd ME) is a second YOU. It knows that everything depends on your mood, on how you feel today. It’s quiet and lazy when you want to rest or do nothing. It romps together with you when you are in a great mood and want to get wild. It joins you to a fancy party or wraps around you and goes to visit your grandma. It’s always with you because YOU feel good with it, because it is your best friend. Your Second you (2nd ME). It is YOU.
Second ME is simple, warm, cozy and cute but at the same time it is crazy and interesting. It is versatile, because YOU are versatile.
Who is making Second ME?
Erika is a clothing thinker – all the designs of Second ME brand are made by her. Erika has a PhD in chemistry, thus she doesn’t call herself a designer. She presents herself as a maker and thinker of things, the creator. As simple as that. Erika creates exactly what she‘s missing since she believes that if there are things that she‘s missing, then you are missing them too. It was with these notions that the brand Second ME was born. Garments are designed by Erika and sewed by her beloved mom. She has more than 30 years of experience in sewing, so 2nd ME clothing and accessories come in a super high quality and thought over millions of times to be as comfy as they can be. The visual identity of the brand is created by Erika’s dear husband Romas. All the professional pictures that you see in Second ME web page, Instagram and Facebook accounts are developed by him. Second ME is a small family project where everyone finds where and how to express themselves.
Erika is a clothing thinker, wearer and curator of Second ME brand. Erika is the one who gathers everybody to create and express their passions. It was Erika’s initiative that made Second ME happen.
Inesa is a seamstress and technical clothing constructor who has more than 30 years of experience in making garments and accessories. All items that are made by her are handmade responsibly and designed to be as comfortable to wear as possible.
Romas is a professional photographer. His artistic and creative vision focuses on capturing Second ME products. He is the one who conveys the visual identity of Second ME to you, comes up with the most incredible photo shoot ideas and helps you see the items from all the best angles.
Second ME in Press!
Second ME occasionally talks about itself, the creative and production process, friends and other important topics. You can check out interviews and articles in the original language below:
Vieną dieną ji – pankė, kitą – aukštakulniais pasipuošusi mergina. Alternatyvi, eksperimentuojanti, šviečianti visomis palėtės spalvomis. Taip galima apibūdinti tiek jauną dizainerę Eriką Kielę, tiek jos kuriamus drabužius. Kristina Aleksynaitė-Žibienė, www.DELFI.lt 2015-10-27.
Erika Kielė. Chemikė, drabužių galvotoja, tiesiog kurianti asmenybė, prekių ženklo “Second ME” savininkė.
“Cosmopolitan”, 2016 rugsėjis.
Jei pritrūksta suknelės – ją pasisiuva, prireikia patogios piniginės – susikonstruoja. Iš Šiaulių kilusi chemijos mokslų daktarė Erika Kielė antrąjį „aš“ atrado kurdama rūbus. Simona Simonavičė, 2016-10-08, “Šiaulių kraštas”.
Jei kas nors paklaustų Erikos Kielės, kas ji tokia, ką veikia, Erika atsakytų, kad yra chemikė, dirbanti Kultūros paveldo centre. Ir tai būtų šventa tiesa. Tačiau chemikai neturi gerbėjų, o mūsų herojė jų turi daug. Tik ne visos moterys, perkančios „Second ME“ drabužius ar aksesuarus, nujaučia, kad jų autorė – mokslų daktarė, neatsitiktinai parinkusi savo ženklui pavadinimą, kurį būtų galima išversti ir kaip „Kita AŠ“. Nors Erikos metamorfozės tuo nesibaigia; ji – žmogus, kuriam tiesiog nuobodu šiandien gyventi taip, kaip gyveno vakar.
www.Žmonės.lt 2018-04-22
Mano kuriami drabužiai yra įkvėpti Vilniaus, senamiesčio ir nuotykių, kurių čia nutinka kasdien. O ir drabužiai yra tokie, kurie tinka intensyviai gyvenančiam žmogui, mėgstančiam natūralias medžiagas, tvarią madą ir etiškai pagamintus drabužius. „Second ME“ man yra laisvalaikis, kuris džiugina pačiu procesu, kūryba.
Agnė Grinevičiūtė, www.bernardinai.lt 2020-10-03
Where to find Second ME studio?
Second ME is a cozy studio located in the Old Town of Vilnius, Lithuania. There are no strict opening hours, so it is necessary to contact Second ME in advance if you want to visit the studio. You can do this in the Contact ME section or write an email to ask(@)secondme.lt.
All Second ME products are born right here, so come by and see the process, chat, try on already created clothes. The studio is on the first floor, up the stairs and to the right, Smetonos str. 2, Vilnius.